Recurring Arts Events in Macon County
most are pARTicipatory events
Music, Literary, Dance, Visual Arts & More, Children’s events, Youth events
If you are using a phone, scroll down past the calendar grid to view the list of recurring events.
Contra+ Dance intermittent due to Library repairs. Next dance: third Thursday: March 20, 6:45p at the Cowee School Arts & Heritage Center, 51 Cowee School Drive, Franklin, NC. See Singular Events for details.
High Mountain Squares dance first, third, and fifth Fridays 6:15-8:30, Carpenter Community Building, square dance classes required; email Charles Nuckolls for details,
Literary (Books, Stories, Writers)
Writers Group: alternate Mondays 1:00, MCPL*; email Jim at
Visual Arts & more
Macon Chips Wood Carving Club all Tuesdays 10a-noon, MCPL*, and all Thursdays 6-7:30 p.m. Franklin High woodshop. All skill levels welcome, 828-349-6109.
Paint Parties on Thursdays 10a-3p: bring your own project and lunch, Uptown Gallery, 30 E. Main, Franklin, 828-349-4607.
Live Music with The Vagabonds: first and third Mondays 2:00, MCPL*.
Song Circle first Tuesday 3-6p, musicians’ song-sharing sessions, MCPL* blue room in kids' area.
Open Mic/Jam with James Thompson: first and third Fridays 4-6p (winter hours; will move to evenings as daylight hours get longer), Otto Community Center, 60 Firehouse Rd., Otto Commun. Dev. Org. on FB.
Open Mic Night: second Friday 6-8p, Cowee School Arts & Heritage Center., 51 Cowee School Dr., off Hwy 28N. Music, storytelling, dance, poetry, etc. (most months, check
C-Square Band Rocks Las Barricas fourth Friday 11:31a-1:01p, 2722 Georgia Rd., Franklin, 828-524-ARTS.
Mid-Day Music @The FROG Saturdays 11a-1p, Friends of the Greenway, 573 E. Main, Franklin, 828-369-8488, free. See their facebook page for specific musician performances.
All Event Types for Children & Youth
Toddlers Rock: all Mondays 10-11a, kids age 0-5, MCPL*: sing songs, do finger plays, scarf play, play with rhythm instruments together, and then play with additional toy instruments. In the children's section; when weather permits, we play in the outdoor fenced garden.
Family Sensory Storytime: all Tuesdays 10:00 a.m., for youth. MCPL*. We will read 3 books and sing songs during storytime followed by engaging sensory and fine-motor activities. Geared toward ages 0-5, and older children enjoy it, too.
In-Between Book Club: kids age 8-12, MCPL*. Participants will read books based on monthly theme and later discuss books and their relationship to the theme. There will be a book-related craft and snacks will be served. Meets second Wednesday of months September 2024-April 2025 at 3:30p.
*Note: Macon County Public Library (MCPL): 149 Siler Farm Rd, Franklin, NC, 828-524-3600, MCPL website.