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Contact the Arts Council
The Arts Council of Macon County
Director: Bobbie Contino
Address: 33 East Main Street, Franklin, NC 28734
Office: (828) 524-ARTS
Regular office hours vary, so please call to make an appointment.
Cherokee Dancing youth program with Bill Dyar at the Library. photo: Abby Hardison
The Arts Council sponsored a backstage tour of the set of the Sleepy Hollow theater production at the Smoky Mountain Center for the Performing Arts. Scotty Corbin led the presentation in which the public got to listen to many cast members sing Overlook Theater Company history and inspect the “skeleton” of the ghostly horse that ran through the fog during the play, October 2024.
Multi-instrumentalists Rob and Anne Lough perform traditional music on guitar and dulcimer with two of their grandchildren, at the pavilion in downtown Franklin, Sept 2009. They were very popular in our Artists-in-the-Schools programs, too.